From fraud to fierce…
Growing up I never felt good enough. I was called ‘tubby,’ ‘little tubette,’ and ‘tubby tubby two by four.’ I tried to people-please my way to love and acceptance, being who I thought others wanted and needed me to be. I got good grades. Was the president of student council. Followed (most of) the rules and was nice and polite. It never occurred to me to look inside, to consider who I wanted to be and how I wanted live. If you’re here, you probably know the drill. Something made you feel less than and you’ve been working your whole life to compensate for it. Maybe you’re an overachiever trying to prove you’re not a fraud. Maybe you avoid challenge for fear of rejection, failure, or being found out. I used to do both. But in 2001 I was introduced to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and I’ve been building a bold and meaningful life ever since. Don’t get me wrong—it has not been easy or pain-free, quite the contrary. But I have the skills to create a life worth living even when things get hard. It is my mission to share those skills with others who want to live big—full size, not fun size!